Sculptures on the mountain

You have probably seen them while skiing or hiking; our sculptures on the mountain transform Mont SUTTON into an open-air museum.


Presented below are the works of art that came to life thanks to ”Les arts à la montagne”, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to make Sutton a destination where nature and culture intertwine.




L’ourson (the bear cub) 

Artists: Daniel Haché

Year: 1998

Where: At the crossing of the Alouette and Sous-bois II trails

Material: Wood





Le grand pic (Pileated woodpecker)

Artists: Daniel Haché and Anik Kelly

Year: 2003

Where: Near chairlift VII (Émotion trail)

Material: Wood





Les porcs-épics (Porcupines)

Rock and Rick

Artists: Denis Boulanger and Nicole Côté

Year: 2009

Where: In a rocky escarpment at the left of the Youppe-Youppe corridor

Material: Stone and ceramics, old ski poles



Mommy and baby (Sarah and Cédrique)

Artists: Daniel Haché and Nicole Côté

Year: 2012

Where: In a tree at the entrance of the Youppe-Youppe and Challenge trails

Material: Wood and aluminum





La chouette Lapone (Great grey owl)

Artist: Marek Latzmann

Year: 2017

Where: Near chairlift II (Sutton-Ik trail)

Material: 10 recycled tires





L’aigle créateur de neige (the snowmaking eagle)

Artist: Carole Lebel

Year: 2019

Where: In the St-Bernard trail, under chairlift I

Material: Tubular steel, steel plates, steel reinforcing bars and willow branches





La rainette versicolore (Grey treefrog)

Artist: Daniel Haché

Year: 2019

Where: In the Alleghanys trail

Material: Steel, wood, aluminum and ski pole baskets





L’écureuil (The squirrel)

Artist: Marek Latzmann

Year: 2023

Where: Sutton-Ik trail

Material: Recycled metal





Locate the sculptures on the Mont SUTTON trail map and hit the ski slopes. Little ones and grown-ups will enjoy this open-air museum!




See also…

The cow, to honor the Boulanger family

Installed in 2016 on the Chalet Alt. 680 m, the cow is a tribute to the old dairy factory owned by the Boulanger family, the founders of Mont SUTTON. This sculpture was offered by the CLD de Brome-Missisquoi to outline the huge contribution of the Boulanger family regarding the touristic and economic developments of the Sutton and Brome-Missisquoi region.

Artist: Daniel Haché